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Update on Sabrina Ayers, A Month After Her Accident

The young woman who was at one time fighting for her life after a serious car wreck is continuing to make progress in healing. Sabrina Ayers was thrown from the back of a pickup driven by another teen about this time last month. She landed on gravel alongside Yellow Banks Road, and suffered head injuries that resulted in her being airlifted to Baptist Medical Center.
Even at the scene, rescuers had to do CPR on Sabrina. Now, her mother reports that after a month in ICU, much of it in a medically-induced coma, Sabrina was moved to a rehab facility yesterday. In a post on the web site, her mother says most of the equipment and tubes have been disconnected from Sabrina, she's breathing on her own, and is beginning to remember things. Given the nature of her injuries, Sabrina has a long road ahead of her, but her family credits the prayers of hundreds of people ever since the wreck, and thanks the community for the donations that have been made to various benefit efforts on their behalf.

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