A Wilkes couple isn't sure how a fraudulent charge got on their debit card, so they're asking sheriff deputies to check it out. Ronnie and Tammy Treadaway say they noticed a monthly charge showing up recently for a little over 30 dollars a month to a Florida company. The statement shows the debits going to SDR Debit Card Visa Key Card Benefits, which is one of those programs banks often hawk when you call their customer service line, or try to add to cards when you sing up. The Treadaways say they did not ever agree to such a service, and police have obtained the phone number of the Florida company to follow-up with them and verify the claim. As many people can testify, the sales pitches used to market these kinds of services can be pretty tricky to keep from saying yes at the wrong time.
Article originally appeared on Hometown Christian Radio 3WC (http://www.hometownchristianradio.com/).
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