Wilkes county's Hazardous Devices Unit was called out earlier this week, to help deputies in Alexander county. A report released yesterday says the local team received a call from Alexander County Fire Marshal Russell Greene Sunday afternoon concerning several sticks of decaying dynamite that had been found. When the bomb unit arrived on Vastha Road in Alexander county, they confirmed there were a couple of dozen sticks of dynamite in various states of decomposition, located in an outbuilding on the property. Technicians sprayed a neutralizing chemical onto the dynamite before moving it, and a blast-suited tech removed the sticks one-by-one to the bomb trailer. In the course of the cleanup, technicians had to stop several times and spray more neutralizing chemical to stabilize other sticks of dynamite that were found. In all, they recovered 44 sticks, and removed them safely to the Wilkes Fire Training grounds, where they were scheduled to be detonated yesterday as part of a scheduled training exercise.
Article originally appeared on Hometown Christian Radio 3WC (http://www.hometownchristianradio.com/).
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