More Paint Ball Vandalism
Thursday, March 8, 2007 at 2:57PM

Another Wilkes property has been shot up with a paint ball gun. But this time, the vandals caused even more damage. The property on Jim Caudill Road almost appears abandoned, according to sheriff deputies, who say the house is unmaintained and falling in from weather deterioration and has no roof. The owner's son, Matthew Weber, says it had been about a week since he'd checked the property when he made the report on Tuesday. During that week, someone had shot a camper stored there with paint balls, shot more paint balls at the side of the house, broke out nearly all the windows of the camper, and borke seven windows in the house. Weber says he had a Jeep stored inteh basement, and the vandals broke out the windshield, as well. Total damage is estimated at about 29-hundred dollars. There are no suspects.

Article originally appeared on Hometown Christian Radio 3WC (
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