I'm Not Selling
Thursday, April 12, 2007 at 6:10AM

There's going back on an agreement, and then theres' REALLY going back on an agreement. Sheriff deputies say two women had a written agreement for one to sell the other her mobile home for five thousand dollars. Bobbi Cleary had a copy of the signed agreement when she reported the case to deputies, and she had made the 3-thousand dollar down payment she'd agreed to. She was also to make 200-dollar a month payments to pay the balance of the sale price. But when she went to the house along with her husband and children Tuesday morning, Misty Wyatt met her at the door with a shotgun pointed at her chest. She said in no uncertain terms that not only was she not selling the house, but if Cleary thought she was getting her 3-grand in cash back, she had another think coming.

Wyatt now faces a charge of assault by pointing a gun and obtaining money by false pretenses. Ownership of the house will probably have to be straightened out in a civil court case.

Article originally appeared on Hometown Christian Radio 3WC (http://www.hometownchristianradio.com/).
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