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Stolen, or Just Borrowed Too Long?

Car stolen, thief found. That's the bottom line on a recent car theft in Wilkes county. Linda Cox, who lives in Ronda, reported the car missing Monday evening, a couple of hours after it had disappeared. She tells sheriff deputies she had been letting her son, 34-year old Michael Lee Swaim, stay with her for a few days. She said he'd driven off in her car, a 2005 blue Kia Spectra, and hadn't returned. A deputy issued a felony warrant concerning the car theft, and it was broadcast to other deputies. A short time later, another deputy on patrol saw the car on Highway 268 North, and pulled it over in the Wachovia parking lot. Michael Swaim was behind the wheel. He was arrested without incident and charged with felony theft, as well as driving without a license. The car was returned, undamaged, to his mother.

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