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Local Man, Wanted by Virgina Police, Arrested

Sheriff Deputies looking for a man wanted out of Virginia has to kick in the door of his Wilkes home early yesterday. Deputies had been on the lookout for Shaun Edward Nunn, a 29-year old Wilkes man, since Virginia authorities issued a fugitive warrant on him. Their crime report doesn't say what he's accused of, but he's being held without bond on thw warrant.

The arrest is a story in itself. After getting a tip Nunn was at his home, four deputies surrounded his house, and after they saw him inside, they started pounding on doors and windows, demanding to be let in. After about five minutes with no response, a deputy reared back and kicked in the front door and the four rushed the house. They found Nunn hiding in a laundry room closet. His mother, who was none too happy with the 200-dollars damage to the splintered doorway, let loose a tirade against them, but other than that, they reported no problems arresting Nunn.

In addition to the fugitive warrant form Virginia, Nunn was served outstanding local warrants for driving without a license and resisting arrest. He was also charged with possession of drug paraphernalia, as deputies seized what appeared to be a cocaine spoon as they searched him during the arrest. He's held without bond awaiting extradition to Virginia.

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