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Drugs, Drugs and More Drugs

Deputies checking a Wilkes house for two wanted criminals found even more than they expected. Three deputies went to the home on Factory Street in Ronda, to check from two people who were wanted for outstanding warrants. They were let into the house by 28-year old Rhonda Gail Nichols, who let them search the house. In a bedroom, deputies found a multitude of drug items and paraphernalia, including about 100 marijuana seeds, rolling papers, scales, and a blue plastic container with a white substance caked to the sides. That substance had a positive result on a cocaine test, and Nichols admitted it was cocaine. Deputies arrested Nichols and searched her, finding a hydrocodone pill in her pocket, for which she did not have a prescription.

In all, Nichols faces charges for possessing three illegal drugs and multiple items of paraphernalia.

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