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Stolen Comptuers Recovered

Sheriff deputies have recovered a computer stolen from a Wilkes school a little over a week ago, but in doing so they have raised even more questions in the case. That's because the laptop computer and Pocket PC reported stolen over the President's Day weekend by a Wilkes West teacher was already stolen. Deputies say they aren't sure yet how the teacher came to be using the computer, which was reported stolen from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It's possible that the serial number entered in the national crime database was transposed or had one wrong digit.

Deputies recovered the computer after a 9-1-1 hangup call at a local home. When they arrived to check out the call, they were told by a man his daughter had bought the computer for 250-dollars from another student in the West Wilkes parking lot a couple of days after it was reported stolen. The girl had paid 50-dollars at the time, and was to pay the rest this week. The computers have been recovered and are being held by police until it's determined who they actually belong to. No charges have been filed in the case.

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