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Wilkes Man Charged for Stealing $37,000 Worht of Property

Wilkes county deputies have released the list of crimes cleared and property recovered in a recent raid on a house in Wilkesboro. Gene Wayne Haymond, who turned 36 last weekend, was arrested two weeks ago today when deputies, along with Wilkesboro Police, North Wilkesboro Police and Ashe county deputies raided his home at 515 Corporation Street.

At the time, they said his arrest would solve more than a dozen burglaries in Wilkes county. The reports on those cases were released today, and total exactly one dozen crimes, spanning much of the last half of last year. More than 37-thousand dollars worth of property has been cataloged and identified by burglary victims in the past two weeks, and Haymond faces a litany of charges. Many of the items were stolen from houses under construction, but other items taken included a laptop computer and a 50-inch cut riding mower.

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