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Tires Slashed

Loose lips may have pointed police to the person who broke into a car and slashed at least one tire. Police were called to the Run-In on River Street Wednesday afternoon. Tammy Wilcox told deputies her son and his girlfriend had been at the courthouse, and after they left, noticed one of the door locks on the car was messed up and one tire had been slashed. He changed the tire and drove off, only to have a second tire go flat near the Run-In. Police saw it had been cut, too. The teen and his girlfriend also noticed the inside of the car had been ransacked, and both were missing their brown jacket. They called police about it all, when it occurred to them they'd been threatened with just such a happening by Miranda Church, a 28-year old local woman, while they were at the courthouse. Why she allegedly made the threat, police aren't saying.

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