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Trying to Outrun Police on a Scooter

Since he had been drinking, he tried to outrun police…but he was riding a scooter.  Needless to say, it was not a high speed chase.  Wilkesboro Police received a call of a possible drunk driver on a scooter.  The police soon found the driver, identified as Todd McAdoo of Wilkesboro.  He tried to elude police by running a stop sign and by speeding up to 40 mph.  Police activated their blue lights and pulled the driver near his residence on North Moravian Street.  McAdoo apologized for speeding and running the stop sign, yelled at his fiancée inside his residence, and refused to do a sobriety test.  McAdoo’s license had been revoked for 3 other DWI’s.  Police arrested him, impounded his scooter, and took him to the intake center where he blew .06.  McAdoo was not charged with DWI, but he was charged with driving with license revoked and reckless driving.  He scooter was taken out of impound.

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