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Weekend Break-Ins

Gun, knives, TV, and jewelry are just some of the things taken in local break-ins recently.  A resident on Edgewood Road reported that while they were gone from home, someone broke out a back door window to unlock the door and get inside the house.  The thief stole a Smith and Wesson .357 revolver, a knife collection, and a Sony 32-inch flatscreen TV.  Stolen property is valued at 1400 dollars.  Then a victim on the Wilkes Yadkin Road called to report a break-in.  While they were at work, someone entered the house by breaking the lock on the back door.  Family members saw the kitchen door open and called 911.  Several drawers were gone through and  over 3500 dollars in jewelry was stolen along with a Wachovia bank book.  TV’s and computers were left untouched.  A Windy Gap Road resident reported coming home to find that someone had broken out the glass in their back door, too, but this time—nothing was reported stolen.  No suspects were listed with either report.

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