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One Robbed and One Only Damaged

In a couple of local break-ins, one reported a theft and another just reported damages.  A homeowner on the Pilgrim Baptist Church Road is in the process of moving, but he got some unsolicited help moving from thieves.  The man told Sheriff’s Deputies that he returned home and found that the back door had been pried open and a window was broken out of the home.  There were tire tracks where someone had backed up to the front door.   Property stolen from inside the house included an entertainment center and a set of binoculars.  Also the go cart chained to a tree in the back yard was taken.  Stolen property totaled over 1600 dollars.  Then a Moravian Falls resident called to report a break-in without a theft this week.  The homeowner returned home to find the front door had been broken open and the door frame damaged.  The homeowner searched the house but could not find that anything had been stolen.  The Sheriff’s Department is investigating.  

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