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More and More Stolen Batteries

As we reported earlier this week, one of the things most commonly stolen in Wilkes now is batteries.  Copper thefts and thefts of or from cars often top the list for local thieves but batteries are making their way to the top of the list.  On Monday a North Wilkesboro resident contacted the Sheriff’s Department concerning several batteries stolen from his residence.  Batteries were taken out of his International Truck and an older Ford pickup.  The victim said that Shefield Grading had several pieces of equipment parked in his yard from which batteries were also stolen.  Seven batteries valued at 670 dollars were taken including 6 12-volt Diesel truck batteries and a 12-volt battery.  No suspects were listed with the report.  Over the weekend, a Millers Creek resident reported the theft of two diesel truck batteries.  Also, a victim from Hays told Sheriff’s Deputies that there had been multiple thefts from his property including one last week where 3 batteries were stolen off his road tractors parked on his property in North Wilkesboro.  In Boomer, a man returned home, saw two men attempting to steal the batteries from his dump truck, he gave chase, and the  two men were captured and arrested by Sheriff’s Deputies.

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