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Broken, Broken, and Cut Cases

Broken lights, broken windows, and cut locks summarize  a list of property damage reports that have come in at the Wilkes County Sheriff’s Department over the past week.  A property owner who lives out of town will have some broken windows to replace when they return to Wilkes.  A neighbor on Ava Jane Lane reported that someone had broken all the windows on one of the victim’s campers.  Damages are estimated at 500 dollars.  On Tuesday, someone called the Sheriff’s Dept to report a broken light.  It appears the halogen lamp and fixture that illuminates the Bell Meade Estates Community sign was broken by using some type of large object.  Damages are listed at 100 dollars.  And finally, Deputies are investigating why a lock was cut and replaced at the Mulberry-Fairplains Ruritan Club.  When a club member arrived for a meeting, they found that someone had cut the lock on the chain at the gate.  The chain was then locked back with a different lock that was imprinted with on the side with the words:  Duke Power.  All these investigations are still underway.

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