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Funny Money Back in Time for Shopping Season

Watch out for funny money.  Just last week we reported on a couple of fake 20-dollar bills being passed at the cafeteria at Tyson.  That was the first counterfeit currency report that had passed through in a while.  Last year at this time, there were several reports of fake cash including 5, 10, 20, and 100 dollar bills.  But now in addition to last week’s report, the Wilkesboro Police have already had to investigate two more accounts of phony bills in a matter of days.  This week Yadkin Valley Bank called.  Employees discovered a counterfeit 20 dollar bill in the money taken in that day.  It was impossible to determined who had passed the funny money at the bank, so the counterfeit was seized and no charges were filed.  Also, the Run In on Oakwoods Road to report finding a fake 20 at their store.  It is believed the funny money was passed sometime over the weekend, but again it was impossible to determine from video surveillance who exactly passed the fake money.  This counterfeit 20 was also seized by police and no charges were filed at this time.

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