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County Commissioners on Airport Project

An airport grant project vote and the introduction of a new forester were on the agenda this week at the Wilkes County Commissioners’ Meeting.  The Commissioners received information on the project funded by grant money at the Wilkes Airport which would upgrade the 20 year old Automatic Weather Observance System.  Commissioner Gary D. Blevins commented that he believed this upgrade was needed since the equipment was 20 years old and was a good use of grant money.  The new AWOS system should be up and running by March.  New Forester Mr. Nathan Gatlin was introduced to Commissioners by District Forester Hunter Birckhead.  Gatlin said he is living now in Roaring River and has never been where people are so friendly.  Commissioners also approved the appointment of Dr. Rob Miller and the reappointment of Pharmacist Don Manus to the Wilkes county Board of Health. 

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