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Shopping or Stealing

Oddly enough, it seems that the thief was just “shopping”…so to speak…for a particular item inside someone’s home.  Wilkesboro Police were called to a break-in at a residence on Welborn Avenue.  The homeowner had returned home from work and had discovered the break-in and theft.  It appeared that someone used part of a cement block from the back yard to break out a back window to get inside the house.  There were several items of value inside the residence but only a Playstation 3 was stolen.  The stolen PS3 was valued at 400 dollars and damages to the window are estimated at 500 dollars.  The thief left through the side door and left it standing open.  Police photographed the crime scene and got the serial number of the PS3 from the box provided by the victim.  There is no word on suspects at this time but the investigation is continuing.

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