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Stolen Copper from Under a House on Wheels

Copper wiring and other copper items have become a popular thing among thieves as the cost of copper has nearly tripled in recent years.  Recently Wilkesboro Police were called to a field off Hwy 16 North.  A house was in the process of being moved and was loaded up on a trailer but was just parked in a field near Poplar Grove Baptist Church.  A neighbor passing by saw two white males under the house.  When the neighbor pulled into the field, the two men ran off.  With the house up on wheels, it was easy for the thieves to get to the wiring and copper plumbing underneath the house.  After inspection of the house, it was determined that almost all of the copper wiring and plumbing valued at 10,000 dollars had been removed and stolen.  Police have names of possible suspects and charges are pending.

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