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Speeding Past a Police Car

You know it’s going to be a bad day when you have an outstanding warrant, you’re driving a car with the wrong tag, and you go speeding by where a police officer is parked.  In a report filed with the Wilkesboro Police Department, an Officer was parked at the cul-de-sac on Industrial Park Road to observe traffic.  The Officer saw a red Honda come down the hill at a high rate of speed.  When he saw the police car, the driver of the Honda turned around and headed back up the hill.  The officer ran the tag which came back to a Buick not a Honda.  The Officer initiated a traffic stop.  The driver, Heath Hamilton, said he had just bought the car and was taking it out for a test drive.  His name was run through NC AWARE and came back with on outstanding warrant for felony larceny.  Hamilton was arrested and taken to Wilkes County Jail under a 2500 dollar bond.

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