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Congresswoman Foxx Co-Sponsors Bill to End Congressional Pension

Congresswoman Virginia Foxx is the lead cosponsor of new legislation to end the congressional, defined-benefit pension program.  The legislation, H.R. 2913, prohibits members of Congress from participating in the federal government’s pension program.  “Taxpayers are looking to Congress to cut spending and halt the growth of the national debt,” Foxx said. “Congress needs to lead by example.. . Ending the congressional pension shows taxpayers that Congress is serious about getting our fiscal house in order.”   Foxx went on to say, “Winding down congressional pensions will illustrate that Congress is willing to shoulder the same kind of cuts that the rest of the federal government faces.  This is the kind of leadership Americans expect of their representatives.”  Foxx also voted this year to reduce congressional staffing and office budgets by approximately $80 million, by voting for H.R. 1473 and H.R. 2551.  H.R. 1473 ($55 million 

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