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Home Break-In and Moved Security Cameras

There were security cameras that the thief or thieves turned upward to obscure the view of the home break-in.  Sheriff’s Deputies were called to investigate the breaking and entering of a weekend residence in Millers Creek.  According to the owner who lives out of town, a serviceman with Duke Energy discovered the break-in and called the homeowner.  When he arrived, he found the front door had been kicked in and items stolen from inside the residence including two 32-inch flat screen TV’s and a Pioneer radio.  The power meter box had been damaged and power was off to the house for a while.  Grocery items inside the refrigerator were spoiled due to the power outage.  Stolen property is valued at 1200 dollars.  Damages are listed at 1300 dollars.  Again there were several security cameras around the property that had been turned upward.  However, Sheriff’s Officials will be reviewing the video for any suspect information concerning the break-in.

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