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Stolen Motors Found in Hole in the Ground

Watch for holes in the ground while mowing, you might hit a motor.  It seems a thief in the area would also make good pack rat.  Wilkes County Sheriff’s Officials were called out to the Governor Stokes Road area this week in reference to some electric motors being found in a hole in the ground.  A local resident was doing some mowing when he saw the motors in a hole near the shoulder of the road.  Records were checked and it was determined that the motors were taken in a break-in at Bryant Church Hard Woods back in June.  Some of the things taken in that break-in had been recovered earlier and Joshua Anthony Stone of Ferguson was arrested and charged in the theft.  In all, 4 electric motors, a electric blower assembly, and alternator with a total value over 2500 dollars were recovered.  Bryant Church Hard Woods were contacted and they came to identify the stolen property which was returned to them.

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