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Charges Filed In Wreck

Charges have been filed against a North Wilkesboro resident in a wreck that happened on Wilkesboro earlier this week.  According to a report filed with the Wilkesboro Police, two vehicles were stopped one behind the other at a light at the corner of Wilkesboro Blvd and Main Street.  When the light turned green, both cars started to move forward. Delmar Walker was driving the car behind another car driven by a woman from Lenoir.  Walker’s car hit the back of the other vehicle, and Walker told police his brakes were not working properly.  However, the officer investigating the wreck reviewed the evidence and questioned witnesses.  The officer then concluded that Walker should not have been using his brakes as both cars were moving forward at the time.  It was determined that Walker accelerated too quickly causing him to hit the other car from behind.  Walker was charged with failure to reduce speed and no insurance.  One passenger in the first car was transported to WRMC with injuries.  Property damage to the cars ranged 300 to 3000 dollars.

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