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Two Vehicle Fires in One Week Ruled as Arson

Two vehicle fires in one week are believed to be arson.  Roaring River and Ronda Fire Departments responded to an older model van fire that burned near a home off Hwy 268 in Roaring River early yesterday morning.  The van was parked next to a garage.  Assistant Fire Marshal Nikki Hamby said fire spread from the van to the side of the garage and burned a portion of the building before being extinguished by firefighters. It is believed the fire started in the interior of the van and was intentionally set.  Reportedly the van had not been driven in months. A car found burning earlier this week was also ruled as arson.  Monday night, the Wilkes County Sheriff’s Department and Millers Creek Fire Department called Assistant Fire Marshal to the scene of a car fire.  A 2011 Hyundai had been stolen from the home of the owner and was later found burning on Hensley Eller Road.  The car was stolen from a Moravian Falls residence.  The burning vehicle was found on the premises of Select Hardwoods Lumber Yard.  Hamby ruled that the car had been intentionally set on fire after it was stolen and left at the lumber yard.  There are no known suspects at this time.

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