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Shoplifting and Drug Possession

One was shoplifting, one was watching, and both were arrested on drug charges.  Wilkesboro Police were called to Walmart regarding two women being detained for shoplifting.  Loss Prevention had observed Sheila Gentle of Moravian Falls taking items from the store and concealing them.  Then both Gentle and Courtney Morin, also of Moravian Falls, attempted to leave the store without paying for the merchandise.  They were stopped and detained by store employees.  Police searched both Gentle and Morin and found drugs on both.  Morin also had her baby daughter with her.  DSS was called, and they took the baby who was later released to her father.  Ms. Gentle was arrested and charged with larceny and two counts of drug possession.  Ms. Morin was arrested and charged with 3 counts of drug possession.  Both women were given a 1000 dollar bond.

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