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Wilkesboro Business Break-In 

Homeowners are not the only targets.  Early Monday morning, Sheriff’s Duties responded to a breaking and entering at the Little Market Basket on Hwy 268 in Wilkesboro.  When Deputies arrived they found a store employee standing in front of the door.  A Deputy reviewed the security tape at the store and saw that a white male wearing a camouflage coat hit the door glass twice with a rock.  When the glass broke, the man ran off.  Apparently, the security alarm caused him to leave before he could steal anything.  Just minutes after the man ran off the store employee and deputies arrived.  The suspect is described as a white male in his 20’s, 5’10’ and about 150 pounds.  There is the only information at this time; the Sheriff’s Department is still investigating.  Damages to the door at the store are listed at 300 dollars.

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