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Sanctity of Life Sunday This Weekend

January is Sanctity of Life Month.  Legalized abortion happened 39 years ago with the Roe v.Wade decision.  This weekend, many churches plan special services to focus on life.  Susan Sturgil with the WPCC explains that all life is special including those that are mentally and physically challenged, the elderly--every life has purpose--and this is something to really think about this weekend.  Sturgill says that while abortions are down, there are still over 3000 babies aborted every day, seven days a week in this country.  At the WPCC they try to simply present the truth to pregnant women about parenting, adoption, and abortion.  If you would like more information or would like to schedule a time for Sturgill to speak at your church or organization, call WPCC at 838-9272.  My complete interview with Susan Sturgill can be heard as a Focus on the Foothills podcast on our website.

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