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Local Car Break-Ins

Car break-ins and a possible theft of gas from vehicles were all investigated last week by the Sheriff’s Department.  One victim called to report that she had left her vehicle parked at a Hays residence for a couple of days.  When she returned, a Sony CD player had been stolen from the car.   There is a suspect and charges are pending.  Also, a Millers Creek truck driver left his tractor and trailer parked in a local parking lot.  When he returned, the lock had been cut off the trailer and the door was opened.  Officials will not know if anything was stolen until the truck is unloaded at its destination in Alabama.  Then one night, a Roaring River resident heard a car door shut.  When she went to the front door, she saw a small black car spin out of her driveway.  A gas can was found in the ditch beside the driveway.  The victim believes the suspects were attempting to steal gas from their vehicles.  No arrests have been made in either case and the Sheriff’s Department is still investigating.

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