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Two Injured in One Car Wreck

Two were transported to Baptist Hospital following a one car wreck on Hwy 421 Thursday evening.  In a report filed with the Wilkesboro Police, the driver Brendan Witek of Boone said he noticed others in the car had gone to sleep and admitted he, too, was sleepy.  Witek did go to sleep at the wheel.  Then his Nissan ran off the road to the right, struck the face of a guardrail at the end of the onramp from NC 268 to Hwy 421, the vehicle went airborne, and rolled down an embankment.  The two backseat passengers were not wearing seatbelts and had to be cut from the vehicle.  Witek and a passenger were taken to WRMC and then transferred to Baptist Hospital.  Witek was charged with reckless driving.

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