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NC Senator's Reaction to State of the Union Address

U.S. Senator Richard Burr (R-North Carolina) issued the following statement on President Obama's State of the Union address Tuesday night:  "President Obama touched on many issues, most notably on income inequality. But it's as if the President, five years into his term in office, still doesn't understand our country and what makes it work. The greatest achievement of our modern, free society is not the promise of equal outcomes -- history is littered with the wrecks of nations that tried -- but rather equality of opportunity."  Burr said, "Unfortunately, the President's policies are destroying opportunities for families and businesses across the country in the misguided belief that tearing down some will benefit all."  Burr ended with:  "It is my wish that the President would stop looking for someone to blame, and instead spend time thinking about how we can reach bipartisan solutions to the issues he laid out this evening. I look forward to the President reaching out for suggestions as how to change the unsustainable path our nation is currently on."

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