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Apple Picking in Wilkes

Yes, Apples can be picked in 15 minutes or less.  According to National Statistics, the theft of iPhones has become such an increasing problem that it is known as "Apple Picking."  Wilkes County also has such apple pickers in the area, and the local pickers or thieves can work quickly.  A victim on the Fairplains Road reported that his wife left their cell phone in the car in the driveway of their home.  When they went back to get the phone about 15 minutes later it was already stolen from the car.  The stolen phone is described as a Apple iPhone S.  There is a suspect and an arrest is expected.  In another Apple Picking case in Wilkes, an employee at Tyson called Wilkesboro Police to report that his Apple iPhone 4 was stolen out of his locker.  There are no suspects in that theft; the stolen phone and case were valued at 700 dollars.

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