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NC Political Leader Dies

The second highest vote getter in the recent Democratic primary for North Carolina’s Second Congressional District seat, Keith Crisco, died Monday, according to his company, Asheboro Elastics Corporation.  The 71-year-old textile entrepreneur and former state commerce secretary reportedly died at his home after a fall. Following news of the sudden death of former Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Commerce Keith Crisco, Governor Pat McCrory released the following statement: “My heart sank, like so many other people who admired Keith Crisco, when I learned of his sudden passing,” said Governor McCrory. “While I was a mayor, and now as governor, Keith was a partner, collaborator and strong advocate for the state he loved." Crisco was a resident of Asheboro for the past 35 years. Crisco served as North Carolina Department of Commerce secretary from 2009 to 2012 under Governor Beverly Perdue.  

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