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Sen Tillis Opposes Iran Nuclear Deal

Sen Thom Tillis of NC continues to express his opposition to the Iran Nuclear Deal brokered by Pres Obama and Sec Kerry.  On Monday, Tillis said on Facebook, "Today the "trial" of jailed American journalist Jason Rezaian ended. The Iranian regime has accused Rezaian of spying."  Tillis said, "The failure of the Obama administration to secure the release of the innocent American being imprisoned in Iran is one of the reasons I remain adamantly opposed the the Iran nuclear deal."  Then on Tuesday, Tillis continued his opposition by posting:  Even President Obama is admitting that Iran would be able to develop a nuclear weapon in "a matter of months" after the Iran deal expires.  Tillis said that he strongly oppose the deal, which paves the path for Iran to become a nuclear power and threatens the security of Israel and our partners in the Middle East.

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