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Living History on NC Battleship

Since 1997 aboard the Battleship NORTH CAROLINA, the Living History Crew weekends have been a tradition at the battleship in the program called "Battleship Alive." The Living History Crew provides insight into the daily life and routine of the crew aboard the USS NORTH CAROLINA by explaining the duties specific to the sailor's ratings (jobs) and demonstrates activities that occurred aboard the ship.  It's a great event for all ages, and the next Battleship Alive is set for Saturday, September 26. The Battleship NORTH CAROLINA is self-supporting, not tax supported and relies primarily upon admissions to tour the Ship, sales in the Ship's Store, donations and investments. No funds for its administration and operation come from appropriations from governmental entities at the local, state or federal levels. Located at the junction of Highways 17/74/76/421 on the Cape Fear River. Visit for more information.

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