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Local Logging Truck Driver Hurt in Watauga County Fatal Wreck

A sleepy driver may be to blame in an early morning accident that killed a Zionville man on U.S. 421 North in Wautuga County yesterday. The wreck also injured a Wilkes county man.

Troopers say a southbound Nissan Xterra, driven by 31-year-old Marshall Shawn Hopper of Zionville, crossed the centerline, hitting a northbound Chevrolet Corsica on the driver’s side front. The Corsica spun on impact and collided head-on with a northbound logging truck, which was empty. The Corsica driver had to be extricated from the vehicle, which was pinned to the guardrail. He was pronounced dead at the scene and has been identified as 40-year-old William Craig Isaacs of Zionville
The driver of the truck, 59-year-old Billy Staley of Millers Creek, was transported to Watauga Medical Center. Hopper, who was not injured in the accident, told authorities he fell asleep at the wheel. Charges against Hopper are pending, troopers say. The accident happened near the Valley Pantry Grocery Store in the Cove Creek community.

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