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Stolen: One Catalytic Converter

When you hear what was stolen and where it happened, you're likely to wonder how no one could have seen it. A Wilkes man, Zachary Ferguson, tells sheriff deputies he went out to the Warrior Creek Boat Ramp last Saturday morning about 9, and parked his Toyota 4-Runner in the middle parking area. He was gone until about 1pm, and when he started the truck up, he noticed it sounded like it had no muffler. So he shut it down and got out, laing down to look under the S-U-V. Sure enough, part of the exhaust sysem was unattached -- but it wasn't the muffler. Someone had crawled under the 4-Runner and stolen the catalytic converter. Ferguson has no idea who might have taken the part worht about 300-dollars, and there wasn't anyone who reported seeing a person under the S-U-V.

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