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Toolbox, Tools Stolen

A local man says his outbulidng was broken into recently, and he's out a rare toolbox and set of tools. Matthew Scottie Foster called deputies Wedneday afternoon, about half a day after he discovered the break-in. It happened at a home where he used to live, and was reported to him by a neighbor. The thief had broken a lock on the outbuilding. Foster found a screen had been ripped off the back window of the building, but apparently the thief could not get in that way, because the lock had been knocked off the hasp. The burglar stole a Jesse James collector toolbox and tool set, valued together at one-thousand dollars. Foster noted a number of distinguishing features of the box and the tools, so police will be able to identify them if they show up on area pawn sheets. Neighbors don't report seeing anything, but the deputy working the case believes he may have developed a lead, according to his crime report.

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