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He Asked for Batteries and She Gave Him Illegal Drugs

He asked if she had anything she shouldn’t have and expected her to return the batteries she saw her steal, but she handed him some illegal drugs instead.  In a report filed with the Wilkesboro Police, Crystal Gregory of Wilkesboro, was observed shoplifting batteries by Loss Prevention in Walmart.  When the Loss Prevention Officer confronted Gregory and asked if she had anything in her pocketbook, she handed him a small plastic baggie containing white powder.  It wasn’t the stolen batteries, but it was reason to call Police.  When they arrived, they asked to search her purse and found more drugs and drug related items.  Gregory said the drugs were not hers but belonged to a friend who asked her to hold them for him.  The man was questioned and denied any knowledge of the illegal drugs.  Police then asked the woman for permission to search her vehicle and found more plastic containers with white and pink powder.  Gregory was arrested and charged with one felony and two misdemeanor counts of drug possession.  She was placed under a 5500 dollar bond; her court date is set for November 23.


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