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Jumping on the Hood and Underage Drinking

When police heard the argument and then saw one woman jumping up and down on the hood of a car, they decided to take action.  In a report filed with the Wilkesboro Police Department, officers reported observing two females in the parking lot of Walmart having an argument.  One got in the driver’s seat of a car and the other climbed on the car and starting jumping up and down.  When officers questioned the two, one said her friend had been drinking and was trying to stop her from driving.  A third female was found walking nearby who had also been drinking with the other two.  All three were underage and were given citations for underage drinking.  One was very intoxicated, blowing a .19 which is more than twice the legal limit, and began having difficulty breathing.  EMS and the girl’s mother were called to the scene.  The girl was later released to her mother after being cleared by EMS.  The other two girls were also escorted home.

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