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Charges Pending for Known Suspect

Nearly 1000 dollars in property was taken from a shed in North Wilkesboro.  According to a report filed with the Wilkes County Sheriff’s Department, a resident on the Fairplains Road stated his equipment from his chicken house had been stolen.  Taken in the theft were 2 chicken house fans valued at 600 dollars and a Handyman Heater valued at 300 dollars.  A neighbor reported seeing a red Ford truck driving away with the equipment on the back on the truck.  The Sheriff’s Department called some local businesses to be on the lookout for the truck and stolen equipment.  Shortly after being notified by the Sheriff’s Department, the suspect with the stolen equipment did show up at a local business.  The suspect gave his driver’s license information to the business owner before changing his mind and leaving the scene.  The suspect was identified and seen by other witnesses in the area with the stolen property and charges are pending.

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