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Car Break-Ins Continue

It seems to come in waves here in Wilkes…car break-ins.  A woman called the Sheriff’s Department this week after her pocketbook was stolen from her car.  In most cases the thefts have occurred overnight, but this theft happened during the day while she was at a Johnson Road residence working.  The woman returned to her car and found her pocketbook containing her Social Security Card, check card, and checkbook was gone.  There a couple of suspects and charges are pending.

Earlier this week we reported on car break-ins from the Kerry Lane area in Wilkesboro.  Here is another to add to the list.  A victim called the Wilkes County Sheriff’s Department to report that his car had been entered overnight.  The man’s vehicle was unlocked and no damages were reported.  However, the thief or thieves did steal a Garmin GPS valued at 100 dollars.  A suspicious vehicle was seen in the area that Sheriff’s Officials are looking for in relation to recent car break-ins.

And finally, Sheriff’s Officials are also investigating a car break-in on the Speedway Road.  In that theft, the Dodge pickup was entered overnight.  The thief entered the truck through the back sliding glass window.  The radio valued at 300 was stolen from the truck.  No suspects were listed with the report.

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