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Shoplifters Caught at Local Stores in Wilkes

There are Loss Prevention Officers on the lookout and video surveillance in most stores, so be sure there is a good chance that your sins will find you out.  The Wilkesboro Police Department was really busy this earlier this week with multiple citations for shoplifting in area stores.  The first report was from Kohl’s.  When police arrived, they spoke with the Loss Prevention Officer that advised he saw a woman conceal several things and leave the store.  The woman headed toward the parking area but was confronted by the Loss Prevention Officer.  She willingly returned inside the store and waited for police to arrive.  A total of 162 dollars in merchandise was taken from the store.  The woman was issued a citation from police for misdemeanor larceny.  Later the same day, Wilkesboro Police were called to Walmart.  Police met with the store’s loss prevention officer who stated that minutes earlier he had seen a man remove items from their containers and leave the store without paying.  The man was confronted in the parking lot by store staff, and he also willingly returned to the store and waited for police.  The man admitted to taking over 60 dollars in items from the store, and he was issued a citation for misdemeanor larceny.  A couple of days later, police were again called to Walmart concerning a larceny.  This time, the Loss Prevention Officer observed a man take two music CD’s into the restroom.  The Loss Prevention Officer followed the man into the restroom and heard him remove the CD’s from their packaging.  The Officer found the empty packages and followed the shoplifter past the last point of sale before detaining him.  Later that day Police returned to Walmart.  This time, a woman had entered a dressing room with clothes and minutes later left the dressing room with only part of the merchandise.  Store employees followed her to the parking lot.  Initially the woman was not willing to return to the store but eventually agreed.  A total of 58 dollars in clothing had been concealed by the woman.  Again, citations for misdemeanor shoplifting were issued.  

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