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False Report of Rape

Wilkesboro Police were called to investigate a statutory rape at Walmart last week that turned out to be false.  The 15-year-old girl and her mother spoke with police about an alleged attack in the ladies’ bathroom while she was in the store with her father last week.  The girl said a white male attacked her when she went to the bathroom.  After the girl was checked by medical personnel, they said there was no signs of rape.  The father told police his daughter never left his side and never went to the bathroom at the store.  Police obtained video surveillance and were able to track the girl and her father from the time they arrived and all the way through the store.  She never left his side and was never in the bathroom.  In further interviews, the girl admitted to making up the story about the rape which never happened.  No charges have been filed at this time; however, police may seek a charge of filing a false police report through juvenile services.

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