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Dropped Drug Paraphernalia in Front of Police

You know it’s going to be a bad day when…you step out of your car in front of a Police Officer and your drug paraphernalia falls on the ground.  Loss Prevention at Wal-Mart called Wilkesboro Police regarding a shoplifter that had just left the scene in a green Toyota.  Major Steve Dowell located the suspect on Oakwoods Road and initiated a traffic stop.  As the suspect was exiting the vehicle, some needles and a spoon fell out on the ground.  The in stolen property from Wal-Mart was found inside the vehicle.  There was also some other stolen property found inside the car that did not belong to Wal-Mart.  The suspect, Joseph Hawkins of Hays, was arrested and charged with larceny, possession of drug paraphernalia, and driving with license revoked.

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