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Election Hearing Set for This Week

A preliminary hearing was held last week in Wilkes regarding the close vote for the third seat on the School Board.  There is a one vote difference between Rickey Lankford and Colleen Bush.  Lankford has the one vote lead.  Bush requested a couple of limited re-counts last week that still resulted in Lankford leading by one vote.  Thursday night a preliminary hearing was held to see if there was probable cause for a full hearing.  It was decided there was probable cause due to the possibility of a 17-year-old receiving a full ballot.  Therefore, a full hearing will be held next Thursday in the Commissioners’ Room of the County Office Building to decide if there was a problem with the election.  Bush has called for either a full recount or a new election.  The State Board of Election will make the final decision on Bush’s request following next week’s hearing.

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