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WEF Has Record Breaking Fundraiser for Wilkes Schools

The Wilkes Education Foundation’s (WEF) 24th Annual Hugh Martin Memorial Golf Tournament was held earlier this month and generated a record $19,000 toward mini-grants and scholarships awarded to Wilkes County Schools’ students and teachers. 120 player gathered for the tournament, which was held at Oakwoods Country Club. Since 1990, the Hugh Martin Memorial Golf Tournament has provided over $330,000 in awards to Wilkes County Schools in the form of mini-grants to teachers for special projects that are not funded through the state or county. WEF also provides scholarships and has awarded over $428,000 to Wilkes County students. David McNeill, chair of the golf tournament committee, said, “I am grateful for the support of all the players, our sponsors, volunteers and the committee members who helped make this year’s tournament such a great success.”  The tournament was established in memory of Hugh Martin who died in April 1990. Hugh was an avid golfer and had been a teacher at Mulberry Elementary and Wilkes Central before becoming a state and federal probation officer. 

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