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Multiple Reports: Damage to Vehicle

Three people have reported damage to vehicles.  The first report came to the Sheriff’s Department from a Fairplains Ridge Road resident.  The car was vandalized and damaged while it was parked at the owner’s home.  The owner found several huge dents in the car; there was not an estimate on damages.  Then a Rock Creek Road resident reported damages to her truck.  She had taken her car to someone’s house to be worked on.  When she came to get the vehicle, the bumper and other parts of the truck were damaged.  Those working on the truck said they do not know who caused the damages.  Then a third report came from a man who was working on a vehicle at his residence in North Wilkesboro.  Sometime in the overnight hours, someone stole the radio and some gas from the vehicle.  No suspects were listed with either case and all three are still under investigation.

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